Monday, July 23, 2007


For all of you out there who have your babies from China home, I want to say "Thank You" Thank you for sharing the journey, thank you for sharing your parenting tips, thank you for allowing us who wait a small glimpse of what life will be when our China baby comes home.
For those of us who are waiting "Thank You" for sharing your life, how you deal with the wait, what you do while you are waiting, supporting each other and realizing that life does goes on. Who would have ever thought a year and a half ago when the wait was just a mere 6 months that we would be here 17 months later wondering when we will get our precious babies. Who would have ever dreamed that the wait would grow to what it will grow to. But here we are waiting our turn!!! Gleaning from those who have been there and supporting each other in so many different ways. These daily blogs are so inviting and I look forward each and every day to seeing what each of you have posted.
Again, THANKS!!!!

1 comment:

4D said...

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. Always love meeting fellow March OG LID-ers!

This journey is made easier by knowing and learning from all the wonderful online and in real life friends.

Keep smilin!