I have been a little slow in posting Christmas. K did not get here until the day after Christmas so we did not have our offical Christmas until the 26th.
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

A getting a Christmas ornament. Here is a close up the
Here is K getting her Christmas ornament. Here is a close up of her

Dad made out as well. He got a Thermal Cell, keeps the mosquitoes away while hunting.

An American Eagle shirt, trying to keep him young looking!! HA HA!! He also got a pair of "dirty jeans". This is what he calls them and he said he would never wear a pair, so I got him a pair and the girls really talked it up and he ended up agreeing to keep and wear them. I told him it would take 10 years off his looks!! Ha ha.

A new Kenneth Cole watch.
Elephant Bar Restaurant gift certificate. YUMMY!!!

He also got a head lamp but that picture came out blurry.
A got her laptop. I made her wrap her box. She actually got her gift the day after Thanksgiving.

K got lots of little things since she got her big gift last Christmas. She did very well, she got an American Eagle gift certificate, Victoria Secret gift certificate, a t-shirt from AE, a sweatshirt jacket from AE, a lighted magnifying mirror, jewelry box and Sephora gift certificate.

K's boyfriend came as well and he made out well some some Home Depot gift cards.

I got a rolling computer bag, t-shirt, dress pants and a Cheesecake Factory gift certificate. Christmas came a little later for Brian and I. I'll show those pictures later.

Christmas for Brian and I came on Saturday and he got
and I got
this None of the pictures above were taken with the new camera, but I will start posting pics with the new camera.