Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Approval or Denial??

What a long day this will be. Will we get a phone call of approval or denial? At this point only God knows. To be honest, I am walking on pins and needles. Knowing all the while that my God is here, but the faith has disappeared. Lord, I am sorry!!! After our book review this afternoon, there was a message on my voicemail. Yes it was Denise. Here come the emotions. I called her and she told us that after careful consideration by the team that they had decided to approve us. I fully understand the concerns that Dillon has. We are about to embark on a huge journey and life as we know it will soon change. They want to make sure that we are emotionally ready and that nothing will come between us and Darci as she makes the transition into our family. Dillon is in this with us for the long haul and that is what I appreciate about them!!! We’re gonna make it!! Darci we are just a few more steps closer to you!!! The one thing that I have begun to understand is that God allows us to journey and along the journey He teaches us things that we would have never learned had we not taken the journey. Psalms 94:19 “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” He truly has brought joy to my soul today even when the anxiety was great.

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